In the Spirit of Boone - Disaster Relief
In the spirit of Boone
Hurricane Helene has visited loss and devastation upon our fellow North Carolinians in the High Country. Your financial help now to our neighbors to the west will help them recover. We can trust they would do the same for us in our hour of need. We are part of a shared community.
Here is how you can help — And get this book for free
Please donate at least $100 to any of these nonprofits:
Boone and Watauga County area
- Boone Chamber of Commerce Foundation
( )
- Children’s Council of Watauga County
( )
- Hunger and Health Coalition ( )
- Transylvania Tomorrow Small Business Emergency Relief Fund
( )
- Transylvania Habitat for Humanity
( )
Statue of Daniel Boone in Camp with his Hunting Dogs,
sculptor Sherry Edwards, 1999, Appalachian State University Campus
- BeLoved Asheville ( )
- Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church (Asheville) ( )
- You may select another 501(c)3 nonprofit, if you like, that also provides help to North Carolinians affected by Helene. Just make us aware before you give to them as part of this offer. Email us at We would love to learn about their work and mission.
Daniel Boone Footsteps publishing has set aside 100 copies of the new book, the 2nd edition of In the Footsteps of Daniel Boone, with the goal of helping you contribute to raising $10,000 for disaster relief for the Town of Boone and Watauga County communities affected by Helene. The Boone Chamber of Commerce Foundation is the most broad-based and reliable recipient of your donations as they will direct contributions to where they are needed most now and through the long recovery period anticipated. The Children’s Council of Watauga County is another reliable and grateful recipient of your donation. Daniel and Rebecca Boone reared not only their own 9 children surviving infancy, but their household included nephews and other family members as well who they took in and reared as their own. The couple had 57 grandchildren. They understood the value and necessity of offering and providing help to those raising children. The Hunger and Health Coalition is continuing its over 40 years of service to the rural community providing boxes of fresh food, nonperishable food, and medicines on a regular basis and especially during this community crisis. Daniel and Rebecca lived among members of their extended family of Bryans and Boones and took care to provide for each other and those around them with what they had to share. Transylvania Tomorrow Small Business Emergency Relief Fund aims to provide critical relief to the Transylvania County business community by establishing a way to collect funds that can be directly distributed to those in need. In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Transylvania Habitat for Humanity needs your financial support to fund the critical repairs necessary to get our community members back into their homes where they may live safely. BeLoved Asheville says, “As winter looms, we are securing warm and safe housing for the displaced. Looking further ahead, recovery from the vast destruction will be a large-scale investment over several years. We believe that we can unite to rebuild a community that embodies home, health, equity, and opportunity for all.”
ONe way you can help:
1) If you donate at least $100, in appreciation for your donation to any of these nonprofits, we will send you, at no cost to you, an autographed copy of the just-released 2nd edition of In the Footsteps of Daniel Boone by Randell Jones, the much expanded and revised award-winning book from 2005. (This book retails for $27.95 and with shipping is a $35 value. All of your donation, 100%, goes to the organization. This book is provided to you by the author, Randell Jones, d/b/a Daniel Boone Footsteps. The nonprofit is providing you nothing in exchange for your donation, so, IMHO, your donation is still as tax-deductible as it was without consideration of you receiving this book. Check with your tax advisor, if you are concerned.) Click the image to the right to learn more about the book and to purchase. Read below about how to get your book by mail.
In the Footsteps of Daniel Boone tells the life story of America’s pioneer hero by putting his life on the landscape, sharing his life story, now through the 2nd edition, in a 186-page narrative illustrated with 160 photographs Randell has taken at reenactments during the last 20 years. Sixty more pages share the 100 sites spread across 11 states that you can visit to be where Daniel Boone was, places where you will find markers, monuments, plaques, museums, historic homes, replica forts, and the eight known statues of Daniel Boone. These are places where he lived, loved, hunted, explored, and fought for America’s independence during the American Revolution. He lived here in North Carolina for 21 years after arriving with his parents from Pennsylvania as a teenager in 1752 to today’s Davie County. He explored Florida—yes, Florida—before moving to the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains in 1766. In 1775, he marked Boone’s Trace for others to follow into the Kentucky wilderness. This began America’s First Westward Movement, which preceded by only two weeks the beginning of the shooting war with Great Britain at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts on April 19, 1775. Boone lived in Kentucky for 24 years. He moved to Missouri in 1799 where he lived his last 20 years, passing away a few weeks shy of his 86th birthday. Daniel Boone lived one of the fullest and most eventful lives in American history—market hunter, wilderness scout, frontier guide, master woodsman, expert marksman, militia leader, surveyor, land speculator, judge, sheriff, coroner, elected legislator, merchant, merchant, tavern keeper, prisoner-of-war, Spanish syndic, son, brother, husband, father. He did it all. Click on “Books & DVDs” in the menu above to go to our secure commerce page.
The Boone Spirit
2024 is the 25th anniversary of the Sherry Edwards statue of “Daniel Boone in camp” placed on the Appalachian State University campus in 1999.
(image by Randell Jones)
Self-reliance and taking care of others in his community was part of Daniel Boone’s pioneer spirit. That spirit is expressed today in the community of the Town of Boone and Watauga County as those citizens pull together to recover from the loss and devastation wrought upon their community by the wind and flooding caused by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Helene. Show your support today for our High Country neighbors. Send your financial help along with your concern and prayers. They will appreciate both.
Getting your free, thank-you copy of
In the Footsteps of Daniel Boone
After you make your online donation to one of the nonprofit organizations listed above, please email us (at providing (1) the mailing address where you want to receive the book by USPS media mail and (2)a copy of the donation receipt or a screenshot of the confirmation of your donation. Or, if you prefer, you can mail us a check made payable to one of the nonprofit organizations listed above. We will deliver the check to them. (Mailed checks should go to Daniel Boone Footsteps, 1959 N. Peace Haven Rd., #105, Winston-Salem, NC, 27106.)
After your donation is completed and you have provided proof of such (or presented the check by mail to us), we will mail you an autographed copy of the 2nd edition of In the Footsteps of Daniel Boone along with our heart-felt appreciation for your generosity. Please tell your family and friends about this book and this fund-raising opportunity. We will advise all donors in occasional updates on our collective success in this fundraising effort to help our high country neighbors. You may also enjoy perusing other titles we offer under “Books & DVDs.” And you can also purchase additional copies of In the Footsteps of Daniel Boone for gift-giving without making additional donations. Those copies will also be autographed. You can purchase any of our books at ( and are the same website.)
Thank you for your donation and for showing your support for our neighbors affected by Hurricane Helene. You are doing so “in the spirit of Boone.”